Monday, February 21, 2011

A Minor Setback

No VanAqua post just yet since there was an unexpected hindrance to plans (AKA, my friend stood me up...twice. :P) so look forward to the post about the Aquarium next week!

In the mean time, here's your promised challenge Ashley.

Last week, Lucas and I were looking through some of his books on his bookshelf and he showed me the first book that he had ever bought. It was a compilation of Western paintings from the Medieval to the Modern. So here's your challenge for this week.
Go to an art gallery. For every period or style that they are showcasing, you must choose one that epitomizes that period or style (of course, with yourself in the picture!) As a bonus, every time you encounter a statue, you must try to imitate the pose. What if the statue or display itself is not of a person?

Well that's the challenge isn't it?


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